
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books With Friendship (May 20)

Top Ten Tuesdays is a great weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where you get to share fun book related topic top ten lists. It is also another great meme for finding great new books, authors and blogs! 

This week is 

Top Ten Books Featuring Friendship

So, in no particular order…

Summer State of Mind by Jen Calonita - Best part of the book hands down: Harper and Lina. Loved this friendship and seeing it grow and develop.

The Art of Lainey = Lainey, Becca, and Micah. I loved Becca and Micah and how they helped Lainey grow as a person and come into herself. They also kept her down to earth, and they were just great: who wouldn't want those two as friends?

Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich - Stephanie and Lula, of course! I know most would say Stephanie and Ranger or Morelli - and that's cool but I love the Stephanie-Lula dynamic (and the lack of love-triangle is good too lol).

Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling - because if I can't find a way to plug my undying love for all things HP…no seriously, because this is where all the friendships are: the trio (Harry, Ron, Hermione), Hagrid, Dobby, Neville, Luna…the list goes on. And also cause I love HP!

 Heist Society by Ally Carter - Who doesn't love an amazing group of friends who also double as an amazing, and fully qualified heist team? Am I right? I loved the Kat - Hale friendship, and the Kat -everyone else friendships too: Gabrielle, Simon, the Bagshawes…

The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot - Mel and Nadine (and Tony too!) I loved the two of them, their emails were hilarious and this remains one of my favorite books and favorite friendships. I also really enjoyed the friendship between John and Stacy.

Holly's Inbox by Holly Denham - I loved this book, laugh out loud funny! The dynamic between Holly, Aisha and Jason was priceless. Great example of friendship right there!

Alanna (Song of the Lioness series) by Tamora Pierce - Love the friendships in this one, Alanna or Alan had many great friends favorites of course included: George, Raoul, and Jonathan.

Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter - Who doesn't love their friendships with a side of Espionage? The friendship between Cammie, Bex, Liz and Macey was what made this series so great. I loved the dynamic between the four of them.

Also Known As by Robin Benway - Yes, another book (/series) featuring spies and all that good stuff. However, once again, as fun as the spy world/espionage part was, the part I loved best about the book was watching the friendship develop between Maggie and Roux (love Roux!).

Pushing the Limits series by Katie McGarry - A central point of all the books in this series has been relationships yes, but more importantly friendships and the "family" this can provide. I love the original trio = Noah, Isaiah, and Beth. Their friendship has definitely been an interesting one to follow, and I've enjoyed seeing the group expand as each has brought in more Echo, Rachel, etc. And of course how could I ever leave out my fave character Abby? Abby came into the series with the book Crash Into You which is why I chose that cover to feature. I won't say any more, I'd hate to ruin the awesome surprise of her if you haven't read the book yet!

How about you: what books did you choose for friendship features?
 Please feel free to comment and link up so I can visit your Top Ten!

 Tale of Two Doxies


  1. I didn't even think of the Stephanie Plum series or Gallagher Girls but they have great friendships! I totally agree with how great their dynamics are in those books. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. It's so hard to think of them all when you go to make your list - I had the same experience of realizing there were so many I hadn't thought of. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ooh nice picks! Seeing lots of Harry going around today! You're the first to use the third cover though, that I've seen! I just went with the first like many others. Should've chose a more random one now...oh well! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I figured there would be a lot of Harry but I couldn't not include him - thanks for stopping by!

  3. Yay, Harry Potter made my list! And I just squealed a bit because you included a Tamora Pierce book and I love Tamora Pierce!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination
