
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feature & Follow #FF - February 6

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host has their own Feature Blog and it is a great way to learn about new blogs and network with fellow bloggers!

I am so excited to be chosen as one of the two featured blogs this week! Thank you so much to both of the wonderful hosts, Rachel and Alison, for this wonderful opportunity and for coming up with such a great way to find new blogs! 

For those of you who are visiting my blog for the first time, welcome and thank you for stopping by! My name is Jenn and I am a book lover who enjoys reading and learning about new YA and Chick Lit novels. I am also proudly "owned" by two lively miniature dachshunds - Ranger and Fiona, hence the name of this blog (a mix of two of my favorite things). I am very excited to meet new people, find some new books, and visit other blogs - so please don't hesitate to say hi and leave a link!

Question of the Week -  
If you could read a book for the “first time” again, which book would it be? Why?

If I could go back and choose any book to read for the "first time" again, I would choose Harry Potter. The Harry Potter novels are a treasured memory of my childhood/adolescence. I can still remember reading my first one all the way back in grade school, and attending a midnight release to get the last book in college. Reading these books and discovering it's world was a truly "magical" experience that I loved every minute of. Of any book series I've read growing up, this one would be the one I have the most emotional attachment to. I even own two different sets of the books. To go back and recapture that first journey would be amazing and priceless. 

Publisher -           Scholastic
Release Date –   November 1, 2003

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm excited to see what everyone else has as a wish to read for the "first time" again. Please feel free to comment below and leave a link to your #FF or to your most recent post. Happy reading!

Tale of Two Doxies


  1. HP is popular. Nice choice.

    New follower via GFC

    My FF @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. hey :) I am new follower via GFC and bloglovin' Hope you have a fab day! :D
    my #FF:

    1. Thanks for stopping by, followed back - happy Friday!

  3. I chose Harry Potter too.
    Congratulations on being Feature!
    New follower via GFC
    Here's my FF

    1. I figured HP would get many picks this week, such an amazing first read. I have followed you back, thank you!

  4. Harry Potter is one of my two choices. I didn't read it until my early 20's and I wish I'd have read it sooner. Have a good weekend!

    New follower via bloglovin!
    Denise | Dandelionn Wine Book Blog | FF

    1. It's a great choice, followed you back.Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Blog hoppin through. Have a great weekend! =)

    Following you on Bloglovin. Appreciate the follow back:

    Opinionated Cupcakes

    Rinny & Kimmy
    Opinionated Cupcakes

    1. Thanks for hopping through and the follow. Followed back, have a great weekend!

  6. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was my choice too, I have such fond memories of reading it as a kid, and my old 28 year-old self would love to experience that again.

    New Bloglovin follower!

    1. Yes, I feel exactly the same way. I remember reading it for the first time at 11 or 12 years old, I just wish I could recapture the "magic" of that first time now. I've followed you back, thanks for stopping by!

  7. This would be my pick too! Love Harry Potter!

    1. I think it's part of what makes Harry Potter so amazing - it reaches out to so many people. I've been amazed by the number of unexpected people I've connected with while talking HP. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend! :)

  8. Harry Potters a great choice! New bloglovin follower. Have a great weekend!

    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  9. Congrats on being the feature this week!! How fun! I picked Potter too... as I am sure many many bloggers this week picked those books.

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. Thank you, I was so excited to have the opportunity! It is a real classic, it's amazing how many people have read it. I followed you back, thank you for stopping in and sharing!

  10. Hello! Great pick for your FF question. I almost picked the HP series, but I have such trouble remembering the first book of a series by the end, I figured it would probably be new to me anyway haha.

    1. It's such a good read, for me it's the opposite. While waiting for the newer ones to come out I read books 1-4 so many times they are literally falling apart (luckily I bought a second set), I have more trouble remembering the newer ones now. :) Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing!

  11. Such a wonderful choice! You can't go wrong with Harry Potter :). Congrats on being the feature!
    Ninja Girl

    1. I have visited and followed you back, thank you!

  12. Congrats on being featured!

    Great choice! I have a feeling a lot of people will pick Harry Potter. =D

    New Bloglovin & GFC follower!

    my FF!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

    1. Thank you! I thought that too, but I couldn't help it - had to go with Harry Potter. I followed you back, thanks so much for stopping by!

  13. Harry Potter is such a popular choice! Nice pick and congrats on being featured :)

    New Bloglovin' Follower
    My FF .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

    1. Harry Potter is a really popular choice, I thought Hunger Games might be very popular too - but I've only seen it once so far. I followed you back, thanks for stopping by - Happy Friday!

  14. HP is so popular today - can you believe I haven't read these awesome books yet? Even if I own them all in both English and French, paper-back and kindle-versions...
    I'm a new Bloglovin' follower :)
    Happy Friday!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Wow! You own them all and haven't tried them yet? You definitely should they are amazing (and I totally envy you getting to enjoy them for the first time). I have been trying to get my little sis to try them as well, she has them - just hasn't tried them yet.

      I'm following you on Bloglovin', thanks for visiting!

  15. Harry Potter seems to be the most popular choice!

    New GFC follower.

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. Yes, I thought it might be and I honestly thought about doing another one, but there's just something about the HP books. :) I followed you, thanks for visiting!

  16. I got into the HP books shortly after PoA was released, so I got to read all three in a very short time, and so I got to experience the midnight releases, the debate over Snape, and even helped run a HP website (that I still go to even now).

    New follower on Bloglovin!

    1. Yes, I was in middle school when I first discovered them. I actually got my first Harry Potter book from a Scholastic Book Order. Then I had to have the other two (which were both out). I, too, was lucky enough to get to go to the midnight releases of books 4-7, and argue over the characters. I'd definitely love to experience it all over again!

      I've followed you as well, thanks for stopping by!

  17. Congrats on being the feature!! :)
    I think we're going to see Harry Potter show up a lot today. I tried to pick something a little less popular, though I do agree with you :)
    New follower.
    Julie @ Chapter Break

    1. Thank you! Yes, I agree we probably will - I would have chosen another but I don't think any other captured me quite like the HPs did. Thanks for the follow and stopping by, I followed back.

  18. Gah! Why did I not think of Harry Potter for mine? You're totally right. Congrats on being featured! :)

    My FF.

    1. Thanks! I'm now following you, thanks for stopping by!

  19. Congrats on being featured!
    Harry Potter seems to be the popular choice this Friday. I agree it's a good choice.
    New bloglovin' follower.
    My FF

    1. Thank you! Yes, I thought it would be but it's got a special place in my heart so I just couldn't choose another :) Thank you for the follow, I've followed you back on bloglovin'. Have a great weekend!

  20. I have a feeling Harry Potter is going to be a popular choice this week! I'm a new follower via Bloglovin'!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I think so too, since I've already run across it a few times today. Thank you for stopping by and the follow, I'm now following you on bloglovin'!

  21. I new HP would be a popular answer. It wasn't influential to me because I was an adult reader. New bloglovin follower. :)

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and the follow, followed you back.

  22. This is popular today, but hey, its a good thing.

    Happy Friday!

    My FF

    1. It's one that many people have happy memories with and can connect with others through - always a great thing. :) Thank you for stopping by and for the follow, followed you back - Have a great weekend!

  23. HP is on my list today too! And I think it's going to be on many blogs (:

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via bloglovin
    My FF

    1. It is a great choice! Thanks for visiting, I'm now following you on GFC. Happy Friday! :)

  24. Congrats on your feature! I love the name of your blog. With a name like I that I suspected you would say Harry Potter. Great choice!

    Happy FF! New GFC follower
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. Thank you and thanks for taking the time to stop by/follow me! I've followed you back. Happy Friday!

  25. Congrats on being one of the featured bloggers. HP is a popular choice!
    New follower via GFC and bloglovin :)
    Here is our FF!

    1. Thank you :) and thanks for stopping by - I have returned the follows! Happy Friday!

  26. I almost chose Harry Potter too!! It's a really popular choice!

    New follower via GFC! :)

    My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews

    1. I just checked out your choice, excellent choice as well. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the follow - I've followed you back. Happy Friday!

  27. Another Harry Potter. I almost picked that one too. Good choice. Have a great week.

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
    My FF

  28. HP was a defining point in our childhood..:)
    New GFC follower..
    Here is my FF Nikita @ Njkinny's World of Books

    1. Couldn't have said it better, still trying to convince my little sister to try it so it can be that for her too. Thanks for stopping by, I have followed you back. Happy Friday :)

  29. HP was a close second place choice for me. I grew up with them, too. But nothing can beat Lord of the Rings for me! Congrats on being featured!

    New follower on GFC and BlogLovin. Here's my FF.

    1. My husband was so happy when I told him that someone else chose LOTR over HP, we argue over which is best all the time. Thank you and thanks so much for the follows, I have followed you back - Happy Friday!

  30. Ah, I remember the midnight releases. I was so sad when the last one came out because it was the END OF AN ERA!

    Good choice!

    New follower.

    Kat @ Books Are Bread

    1. So true! I was in college when the last midnight release took place and my I brought my little sister with me (she was in 2nd grade), just so she'd have that as a memory too. Thanks for stopping by and the follow, I've followed you back - happy Friday!

  31. Hi Jenn! Congrats on being a featured blogger this week. I'm a new follower via GFC and Bloglovin'.

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

    1. Hi Holly! Thank you and thanks so much for stopping by - I've followed you back. Have a great weekend!

  32. Hi! I'm a new follower! Just followed on GFC! :)

    1. Hi Natasha! Thanks for stopping by, I've followed you back. Have a great weekend!

  33. Great pick, it's my choice as well :) Congrats on being a featured blogger. New GFC and Bloglovin follower. My F&F Friday.

    1. It is such an amazing choice, loved your explanation of why you chose it. Thank you and thanks so much for the follows, I have followed you back :)

  34. YAY for being featured!! And GREAT pick! Harry is definitely a lot of blogger's list today! Mine as well, as you already know!

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog! Returning the follow!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    NEW Follower :D

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for the follow back! Happy Friday!

  35. Harry Potter was another one I would have had on my list of books! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I followed back via Bloglovin.
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  36. Clever idea with the blog title! I always love a good story [no matter how short or long it is]. I don't really have a story around mine [it's Words Create Scenes], but I do have a reasoning behind it.

    I've seen Harry Potter on a lot of other bloggers' lists. I have yet to read Harry Potter, so I don't really have a say on whether I agree or not.

    Congrats on being featured!
    Megan @ Words Create Scenes

    P.S. New follower via GFC.

    1. Thank you! I like your blog title a lot actually - it took me a little while to come up with mine. As to Harry Potter - it's never too late, you should definitely check it out! Although I did love that you had a Kate DiCamillo title :)

      Thanks for stopping by and the follow, I've followed you back

  37. Harry Potter is a great choice, and very popular. Congratulations on being featured! New follower via GFC. My FF:

    1. Love your icon photo, very cute and thank you - I was very excited to be chosen. I've visited and followed you back, thanks for stopping by!

  38. Congratulations on being featured! :D
    HP is definitely one I've been seeing most. I've only read some of them but they were better than the movie.

    New follower via GFC.

    Here's my #FF

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's definitely a popular one :) The books were definitely better than the movies, but I thought they did a pretty good job for adapting something complex to the screen. Thanks for stopping by!

  39. Once again, I should have chosen HP. Can't believe I forgot it. :) Thanks for stopping by my FF. New GFC follower. :)

  40. Congratulations on your feature! I'd love to be able to experience HP all over again for the first time. The writing and story and characters are all phenomenal!!

    New follower by GFC and Bloglovin' :D
    My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl

    1. Thank you! I definitely agree - it was all phenomenal and I miss the anticipation of the next book and staying up all night reading because you just can't put it down. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  41. Congrats on being featured! And HP is a most excellent choice. New follower via bloglovin.
    '. My FF

    1. Thank you for stopping by and the follow, I've followed you back - have a great week!
